Brief introduction of knowledge of animal medicine standard 兽药标准知识简介
Application progress of nanotechnology in animal medicine 纳米技术在动物医学中的应用前景
Existing problems in administration of animal medicine and relevant strategies 兽药管理存在的问题及对策
Determination of total amino acids in 21 processed animal medicines by the formalin method 21种动物药饮片中总氨基酸的甲醛法测定
This accumulates plenty of experiences for the production , use and management of animal medicine 为全国的兽药生产、使用和管理积累了丰富的经验。
Our company has researched and developed high - tech products which are middle and high density fibreboard and animal medicine 研究开发中高密度纤维板及兽药等高科技产品。
In the animal medicine article of health protection and other aspects , this firm possesses 8 subsidiaries abroad 在动物药品、保健品和其他方面,该公司在国外拥有8家子公司。
China has started animal medicine legislation since 1980s and formulated " animal medicine management regulations " in 1987 我国兽药立法从80年代就已经开始, 1987年国家制定了《兽药管理条例》 。
Changjiang animal medicine company is the pillar of the corporation , having been engaged in the active trade of feed additives 公司骨干企业长江动物药业分公司是一家专营各种药物饲料添加剂的专业化公司。
Chinese moa animal medicine and instrument of husbandry and veterinary bureau in charge of licensure of animal medicine product 美国、欧盟、中国对兽用生物制品、兽用药品产品注册申报材料的具体要求也有所不同。